Certified Ark Park

The Hessenpark Open Air Museum meets all conditions set up by the Society for the Conservation of Old and Endangered Livestock Breeds (GEH) and has been a certified Ark Park since 2012.
Prior to certification, a number of criteria must be met which include the following: An Ark Park must keep at least five different breeds from three animal categories on the GEH’s endangered breeds list. These animals should be kept in accordance with the pedigree breeding standards, with the stud book kept either by the keeping institution itself or by a recognized breeder the institution reports to. A specified number of dams and sires must be kept of every breed. The animals are kept according to strict animal welfare standards. The aim is that visitors get acquainted with the breed, its special characteristics and history and that they can identify animals clearly with the help of unambiguous signage. Ark Parks support the Ark Farms by keeping sire animals, and in doing so contribute to targeted breeding with the aim of preserving the breed. Further information on old livestock breeds and the Ark project are available at the GEH’s website: www.g-e-h.de (in German only).