House from Grebenau

Built: circa 1616
Dismantled: 1975
Reassembled: 1977
In its original location, this two-storey building was part of a four-sided mill farm also known as Blummühle. The farmstead’s dwelling, called Blummöllersch Haus, served as the seat of the landgrave’s chief forest warden before 1800.
This representative building’s timber framing is a mixture of box frame and storeyed construction which is not uncommon in the northern Vogelsberg region. On the sides facing the visitor, the upper floor juts out by the thickness of a wall, with its wall plate and bressumers contoured. The gable-side headers feature carved rope moulding, while decorated hearts can be seen on the corner timbers of the principal posts and the braces. The building has been restored to its outside appearance in around 1750. In the next few years, the House from Grebenau will undergo renovation. Afterwards, it will be home to exhibitions and demonstrations of cloth-making.

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