House Bamberger from Friedensdorf

Built: House 1800, Extension 1827
Dismantled: 1979
Reassembled: 1985/86
This former byre dwelling was part of a two-sided farmstead in its original location. The inscription on the yard-side wall plate reads: wrong must perish and right remain right and eternal all who understand this correctly will put their name to this. Everyone shall now speak ill only of himself; I myself am guarded, don’t trust everything you hear, believe me, I have heard that they who you trust most often hate you secretly. God can silence those who hate you and fill you with joy. The inscription on the road-facing gable reads: Hold on to true friends, let false hearts go, be mindful that we all shall perish with the years so all the more set your sight on that which is eternal, that which is above ANNO 1800.
The building is shown in its 1830 state. The adjoining extension is divided into a stable and a wagon shed. Above the entryway, there is a double lintel. The lower beam bears this inscription: Jacob Wetter from Elmshausen was the carpenter Now let us all pray to GOD that in his grace he shall preserve this building from all danger So we shall thank him forever. The museum uses the dwelling as an exhibition space.

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