Electricity Distribution Substation

Built: 1990
This distribution substation was constructed for the Hessenpark Open Air Museum following a 1920 design for the county electricity authority of Kirchhain. The planned building was to be constructed in the municipality of Langenstein but was never built. An overhead electricity line connects the substation tower in the Open Air Museum with the House from Münchhausen and the school barn belonging to it, as well as with the House from Eisemroth, which was first connected to the grid in the late 1920s. Such distribution substation buildings point to the early years of electrification. They demonstrate how rural regions, too, adapted to the contemporary needs of the industrial age. From then on, it became easier and more convenient to light the living quarters. Technological developments in agriculture eventually led to the birth of rationalised and specialised agricultural enterprises. The interior of the distribution substation represents the situation in the 1920s.

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