Container Accommodation from Oberursel

Built: 1990
Dismantled: 2016
Reassembled: 2023
The container accommodation was built in 1990 in an industrial zone in Oberursel called ‘An den drei Hasen’ in response to the increasing numbers of refugees. The complex consisted of three housing blocks of two storeys and was surrounded by a chain-link fence. Up to 300 people from 30 different countries have been staying here for over 25 years. All of them are in the asylum process.
In 2016, after years of public criticism, the accommodation was vacated and the residents were relocated. The facility was dismantled and the containers were sold off. The Open Air Museum took over four of the containers and parts of the original furnishings.
The 2023 reconstruction at the Open Air Museum aims to recreate the conditions in the accommodation facility as closely as possible. Two individual containers and a double container form one structural unit. The interior, doors and windows, which have been damaged through use, as well as the roof cover must be refurbished and partially reconstructed.
The containers contain the permanent exhibition “In Search of Asylum” and a furnished room.

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