Gables from Momberg I and II

Built: around 1708
Disassembled: 1979
Reassembled: 1987
Both buildings with the reconstructed gables on the way to the market square are practically newly built. Their original features are the old gable fronts which came from a single house in Momberg, a locality of Neustadt on the east border of today’s Marburg-Biedenkopf county. At the time of its transfer to the Open Air Museum, the overall structure was in such a desolate state that it could no longer be saved.
During an alteration of the entrance area in the 1870s, the original house was extended lengthwise. At the Open Air Museum, the gables were used for a building experiment that tested the compatibility of modern building materials with those of historic timber frames.
Today, the two new structures with the old timber-framed gables serve as exhibition spaces. On the ground floor of the house with Gable 1 and the first floors of both houses is an exhibition of cast iron firebacks and iron castings of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The ground floor of the house with Gable 2 from Momberg accommodates a brushmaker’s workshop and shop.

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