Barn from Mengerskirchen

Built: 1706
Dismantled: 1979
Reassembled: 1997
This trizonal timber-framed barn originates from the village of Mengerskirchen in the Westerwald region, a small market town in the Limburg-Weilburg county bordering the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. Together with the Barn from Altheim, the building forms a small-town outskirt development, a barn lane. These were often set up on the outskirts of medieval timber-frame towns for reasons of fire-prevention. Mengerskirchen was so densely populated within the town walls that the barns were repositioned outside the walls.
The infills of the barn have been exposed because the building serves for education projects about the historic building techniques of wattle and daub walling and timber-frame construction.

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